About Wastewater Services
The City of Tallahassee has a long history of providing reliable and efficient sewer services to residents, dating back to 1904 when it launched its first centralized sewer system. Since then, the City has continually expanded and modernized its wastewater infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing population while protecting our area’s natural resources.
The City’s sanitary sewer collection and treatment systems are expertly managed and maintained by the Underground Utilities & Public Infrastructure department. Staff are among the most well-trained and experienced administrators, technicians, mechanics, operators and professionals in their field throughout Florida and beyond. More than 120 full-time staff dedicated to sewer collection system operations and maintenance (including pump stations) programs.
Serving more than 200,000 residents, Tallahassee’s sewer system includes over 1,000 miles of wastewater pipes made up of approximately 140 miles of pressurized force mains and 950 miles of gravity mains. This complex network of pipes systematically transports the community's wastewater to the City’s state-of-the-art facility, where up to 26.5 million gallons of sanitary sewer are treated per day.
The City’s proactive approach to sewer system management, coupled with ongoing investment in infrastructure and a strong commitment to sustainability, ensures current and future needs are met while safeguarding public health and natural resources.
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